BMG plastic extruder for Flsun SR Extruder 3d printer
_BMG dual gear plastic extruder for 3d printer
_Using a dual gear extrusion mechanism helps to minimize plastic slippage and plastic filament reflux.
_Helps reduce the risk of plastic jamming due to filament errors, increases the power of the extrusion motor thanks to running gears with a transmission ratio of 3:1, so you can completely use a small stepper motor to run the extrusion system directly.
_The extruder is designed with an open knob on the side that holds one of the dual drive gears. This knob is closed by a spring-loaded helical screw. This knob allows for precise tension of the drive gears to properly hold the filament, with the ability to release the tension and simply load or unload the filament.
_Double the gears and double the fun, two drive wheels take the filament from each side to provide a steady and reliable feed to the hot end. .
The extruder's dual drive gears can provide consistent flexible filament flow in direct drive or Bowden drive configurations.
The Dual Drive extruder's lightweight design makes it suitable for direct drive configurations.
_Name: BMG Extruder Gear
_Support Filament: PLA/TPU/ABS/PETG
_Filament Diameter Supported: 1.75mm
**For further support on product price and information, please contact:
0913.939.775 contact A. Quan (for English)
094.144.0951 contact A.Quynh
**Selling price does not include VAT (+10% if VAT invoice is issued)
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